The topic of money triggers most people because it is emotional for most families. Money, however, just is. It’s an inanimate object that we attach emotion to.

Our money wounds come from negative experiences we’ve had with money. These wounds are usually very personal to us because they developed within our nuclear family. Many of these occur during our formative years. They form our beliefs and our perception of money. They become our money story.

That said, traumatic money events could occur throughout our lives.


Because so many Americans struggle financially, many of us grew up watching our parents stress or fight about money. The words they spoke about money formed our beliefs and unless we reconcile them, we carry them with us forever. How much money one makes becomes meaningless, unless these money wounds are healed.

We all have them.

Unaddressed, money wounds are handed down generation to generation. This is why it is said that poverty is generational.

Confronting your emotions around money and understanding where they come from will stop this cycle. It will give you an opportunity to form a new and healthier relationship with money.

Financial freedom doesn't come from making more money. It comes from being at peace with the amount of money you have and knowing that it is enough. Otherwise, you will endlessly chase money and no dollar amount will ever feel adequate.