(Click the photo for more event pictures)
Civic Hall, NYC
Thank you to all the men and women who participated and added their insights to this very spirited discussion on the topic of issues that women face in male-dominated industries.
I’ve always said that both men and women both need to be part of the solution if we are going to change the status-quo!
Philadelphia, PA
I am honored to have been invited to speak at Pennsylvania’s premier women’s conference on the topic of mentorship and sponsorship. Thank you Drexel Lebow!
But where are all the men? Men need to be included in the conversation if we are ever going to move the needle.
BOOK LAUNCH - March 2017
Soho, NYC
Wall Street’s Party of the Year, celebrating the kick-off of my book, Lose the Gum, A Survival Guide for Women on Wall Street, Main Street and Every Street in Between.
I think I’m on onto something BIG!