Leadership is much more of an art form than a scientific pursuit. That is why I wasn’t surprised to learn the number one reason why leaders fail is lack of self-awareness.

There ain’t much scientific about that.

The human psyche is complex. And understanding who we are and what drives us  is an important aspect of self-reflection required for effective leadership. An understanding of your own emotions, behaviors, strengths, weaknesses, and values is key.

Effective leadership can inspire, motivate, and steer a company toward success. Ineffectual leadership, on the other hand, can result in disarray and failure. This is why helping leaders succeed is a valuable investment for any company to make.

Poor leadership leads to poor decision-making, which can be detrimental for a company. Leaders who don't understand their biases, triggers, or emotional reactions often make poor choices.  

These leaders can be oblivious to the reasons that are attributed to their actions. These are blind spots which cast shade on an accurate perception of reality. It blurries objectivity and then creates stories that become validated through self-fulfilling prophecy,

Leaders who lack self-awareness may struggle to convey their messages clearly or to gauge the impact of their words on others. This can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and a breakdown in trust.

These are the foundational principles to building strong relationships. Leaders who are unaware of their impact on others may struggle to establish trust, collaborate effectively, or create a positive team culture.

Although leaders with low self-awareness often resist feedback or dismiss it altogether, it is critical for growth and improvement. Actively seeking support from  trusting mentors is critical and will prevent you from blindly walking off a leadership cliff.